What does #terrorism have to do with #hillary #clinton, the war in #Syria, a strong evil entity, #GMOs, dire danger to most #Muslims & non-Muslims,...

What does #terrorism have to do with #hillary #clinton, the war in #Syria, a strong evil entity, #GMOs, dire danger to most #Muslims & non-Muslims,...

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What does #terrorism have to do with #hillary #clinton, the war in #Syria, a strong evil entity, #GMOs, dire danger to most #Muslims and non-Muslims, #obama, 911, human sex trafficking of children, #Overpopulation, and what’s demanded from Muslims in the #quran? ...An evil orchestrator is at work who has also created zombies out of the #swamp, most of the #Democrats, and even some of the #Republicans who can’t see President #Trump’s greatness no matter how obvious.

If you're Muslim or not. You need to wake up just like the rest of us. Besides possibly being my friend, beautiful, my doctor, my employee, or someone I love, being Muslim also makes you one of the following:

1. Being Muslim makes some of you confused because you haven't bothered to read and understand the whole quran. So you don't understand islam and why some muslims are violent in the name of allah.

2. Being Muslim has and continues to make some of you run away from islam because you've read and understood the quran and you've decided that you're not willing to kill (killing people is required by the quran). So you ran away to a non-muslim country. And live as a non-practicing Muslim (upper case intended). You practice islam out of your heart defying what the quran requires you to do (kill).

3. or Being a muslim means you've read and understood the quran and are willing to do as it says. Kill any non-muslim who is unwilling to accept islam or pay jizya (ransom), and also kill any muslim unwilling to kill as instructed in the quran. isis is simply being the perfect muslim.

The first two types of #Muslims I described above, #Jews, #Chriscians, and all non-muslims including those who don't believe in G-D should spend a few minutes to learn about the 3 stages in the quran by reading my solution at http://Ai.behtaj.com. Why? Because LOVE is not enough. LOVE + The TRUTH is. Learn the #TRUTH. The problem is islam not most Muslims who are in the dark themselves and don't know what's in their quran and why some, even very educated muslims are willing to kill innocent people. I found 17 muslim surgeons who believe the solution is for everyone in the world to die together.

isis isn’t made up of bad uneducated people no more than us #Jews. We tie-down our newborn sons and amputate the most sensitive part of his body without a pain killer. We are executing the orders from the G-D we worship. So are those following allah's demands in the quran. Both are obviously barbaric. Yes, if/when I have a grandson, I will do that to my grandson although I still feel and think it's barbaric. G-D over rules me the Jew, just as allah over rules the religious muslim we call terrorist.

I strongly advocate that no one hates Muslims blindly, lest you'll push the good ones (probebly over 95%) away and on to isis' lap. Muslims have been deceived in the #quran. As #allah himself repeatedly dictated in the quran: 'allah is the greatest of all deceivers' [suras 3:54, 7:99, and 8:3 ] 

...The G-D I know wouldn’t boast about His ability to deceive. allah of the quran is not G-D. THIS IS IMPERATIVE TO KNOW. Even some of our rabbies don't know this, which gives some unintended authenticity to the quran, and misleads the world.

View the invasion AiR.Behtaj.com. Ever wonder why Merkel let the refugees in and didn't stop the flow even after they raped, killed and ruined the country? Because she's the puppet of their real leader, satan or a strong evil entity. Obama, Biden, the Bushes, the Clintons, and many others are followers of this evil entity. Some were paid by islamic leaders. Biden for example... Open border, Afghanistan, and much more. Ever wonder why all the nonsense? I answer questions most don’t expect answers to by using logic in this Facebook Post. Read before continuing.). 911 gave them an excuse to invade Iraq, creating the incubator for the radicals/terrorists to get stronger. Saddam Hussein was killing the terrorists and that was counterproductive for their evil plan. So they stopped him. Then the U.S. armed the radicals and isis. By starting the war in Syria the idea was to create a Muslim refugee crisis so the Muslim seeds can be exported and rterrorists can be sent amongst them into non-muslim countries. (A U.S. favor PAID for by islamic leaders. allah wants islam to take over the world). It would be natural for Muslim refugees to go into muslim countries where the culture, language, and religion was familiar, but how many did? They didn't because it would be a waste. The goal? Help islam with its deep desire of caliphate whilst executing the 50-year-old Agenda21 plan of lowering the global population from 8 to .5 Billion, and make money along the way. Overpopulation is also why the U.S. Government ignores its own FDA scientists regarding GMOs (GMO foods are killing people see http://Botanist.behtaj.com & http://MIT.behtaj.com)

President Trump came along and messed up their plan. See what they did to Europe? They had planned the same for the United States. INFILTRATE with the seeds of islam. This is why Hillary wanted 500,000 more Serian refugees into the U.S. She was paid IN FRONT OF OUR EYES via 25% of her cost to run for president by a Sheikh.

Behtaj Amiri - Founder, Art of Thought Solutions™ - The Anti-Virus for Mankind™ http://MAN.behtaj.com

http://CSA.behtaj.com - satan is the common denominator between pedophilia, terrorism, greed, selfishness, global warming and more. satan is behind the illness of mankind.

Note: Above sites are part of my 600+ websites designed to AWAKEN people via my logic-based non-religious solutions. The same evil force mentioned above knocked down all 600+ websites. Therefore the links in most of my writings may not work. Don’t let that give you a bad impression of my work. My complaint to the FBI is available for public viewing at DA.Behtaj.com

Behtaj Amiri 💙 ✔

Founder, Art of Thought Solutions™ - The Antivirus for Mankind™ Social Impact Producer Creator of Analytical Cubism™ L+R


In this debate between a South Asian Muslim Educated Leader and Christian Prince, Christian Prince uses the Quran and other respected Islamic Sahih (agreed to be correct translation) documents to prove that Muhammad was possessed by the devil. Christian Prince goes further and proves that allah is not G-D. https://youtu.be/65w9CdQBFyw #allah #Christian #CristianPrince #islam #quran #devil #satan

shay williams



Yep, the Georgia guidestones say that about lowering the world's population. Ever notice how ALL religions seems to divide, kill, torture, conquer (or be indifferent/apathetic to others in pain saying, " that's just THEIR journey") everyone especially the natives, melanated people . . as they are forced fed the invader's religions, their customs & ways on them. All religions are man made and EVERY religious book has writers, editors & a publisher. And don't they all go back to The Crown? 32nd degree masons pledge their allegiance to Allah who are under the Vatican. Every puppet has a puppet master. Truth is found w/in and the cosmos (syncretism) and where we are really living. We've been indoctrinated w/fear, wars, egos, aggression . .LEFT BRAIN-divine masculine whereas the suppression of the divine feminine--RIGHT BRAIN-is intuition, Love, creativity/the arts, empathy-- is what has been killing our society for thousands of years but they've been really serious for the past 500+ years. There IS the Most High, our Creator but there are a lot of middleMEN in our way & we have been deceived. The furthur away we get from our Mother(nature), who they have demonized, the sicker we as individuals and society becomes.

Chris Hardwick

Owner at GoneLocal.com


What is the goal of taking the world's population down to .5 Billion. Less people to tax = smaller Government.


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